Assignment for Monday, February 25th

1st 2nd, 6th, and 8th Periods (English IV)

Monday: Read "Ferryman" Chapter in Siddhartha and answer corresponding questions

Tuesday: Read "The Son" Chapter in Siddhartha and answer corresponding questions

Wednesday: Read "Om" Chapter in Siddhartha and answer corresponding questions

Thursday: Read "Govinda" Chapter in Siddhartha and answer corresponding questions

Siddhartha TEST on Friday

3rd Period (Journalism)

For Monday and Tuesday

Students will work on their fifth, blog article. Article must be at least 500 words in length and must include a picture.

4th Period (College Preparedness)

Monday and Tuesday

Daniel, Douglas and Morin:

Draw, map, list and outline memories of reading and writing as early as you can remember and as detailed as you can remember. Remember the powerpoint presentation I showed you when we discussed my literacy history.

Consider the following questions and write about them:

How did you learn to read and to write? What were the first things you remember reading and writing? Did you prefer reading or writing? Did you struggle with any? Are there any specific memories of things that motivated you to enjoy reading and writing? Are there any specific memories that made you not enjoy reading or writing? List as many books that you can remember from your early years and onwards to high school. Can you read and write in Spanish, too? What else from your past is important and relevant regarding your connection, or perhaps lack of one, with reading and writing?  


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