Gig Economy Job Presentation "Quiz Grade"

After you finish the gig economy spreadsheet and answer the questions in the back of the handout, you will select one job, from the ten jobs you listed, to explore further. In other words, I would like for you to try and look into multiple websites and try and see how people who are performing this specific job/service feel about it, as well as people who have used this app/service feel about them as customers. Furthermore, who are customers? Regular people? Companies? Who are the people most likely to perform this service? What are their qualifications? What does the worker like/dislike about their job? What might customers like/dislike about this service? It shouldn’t be too hard to find this information. After you finish this, you will be ready to present this information to the class for a quiz grade. Try and do a good job going beyond a surface explanation of the gig economy job you selected.


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