Animal Farm Chapter 6 Questions

Animal Farm: Chapter 6
1.  Describe the Sunday afternoon volunteer program.  What happens if they don't "volunteer"?



2.  With what two expressions does Boxer answer all of his problems?



3.  In what ways does Boxer work harder than the other animals?



4.  What is Napoleon's solution to the shortage of materials?



5.  Why are the animals uneasy about Napoleon's plan?

6.  What are two ways the humans have come to accept Animal Farm?

7.  How do the pigs violate the original seven commandments and what is Clover's reaction?


 8.  Who do the animals believe is responsible for the Windmill?  Do you agree with them?  Why or why not?


 How has life changed for the animals on Animal Farm?  List ways it is better and worse.
Ways Life Has Improved
Ways Life Has Worsened

 Do you think life is better or worse for the animals on Animal Farm since the revolution?  Write at least two paragraphs and use examples from the text to support your answer.   














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