College Readiness: University Research Spreadsheet Assignment

This assignment will count as a test grade!
Your assignment will be to create a spreadsheet for SIX different universities. Obviously, it makes sense to select universities you are most interested in attending. TWO of these universities must be STC and UTRGV. Although many of you might be interested in researching universities outside the Rio Grande Valley, we always have students apply to our local universities, STC and UTRGV, as a pre-cautionary measure. The other four universities will be yours to select.
Your spreadsheet will consist of 6 columns--one or each university.
You will research the following categories for each university:
1.) Location
2.) Ranking
3.) Tuition & Fees
4.) Enrollment
5.) Student Diversity (in %)
6.) Acceptance Rate (in %)
7. SAT/ACT required- Also, are there certain score requirements needed?
8. HS Ranking required- Top 5%, Top 10%... etc...
9. GPA required- Is there a certain GPA you need to be considered/admitted
10. Essays required- Apply Texas or Common Application Essays
11. Other requirements necessary for admission
12. Sports, Clubs, Activities
13. Housing Requirements (Do you HAVE TO live in their dorms, or can you find your own apt?)
14. Bachelorette Majors (The University might be known for strong Bachelorette Programs)
15. Graduate Programs (The University might be known for strong Graduate Programs)
Doctoral Programs (The University might be known for strong PHD Programs)
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